EU Prize awards excellence in health journalism
The winners of the fourth EU Health Prize for Journalists were announced by Tonio Borg, European Commissioner for Health and Consumer Policy at an award ceremony in Brussels. The winning articles, selected from 557 submissions from journalists across the EU, cover issues related to healthcare and health services – with an additional “special prize” on […]

Journalism Awards: Reporting on Ageing and Relations between the Generations
The “Reporting on Ageing and Relations between the Generations Journalism Awards” is an initiative of the European Commission. These awards recognise journalists whose work has made a significant contribution to a better understanding of the challenges of an ageing society and how they can be ackled, thus raising the level of the public debate and […]

EU Health Prize for Journalists
Are you a journalist? Are you interested in health? This is your opportunity to gain a prize. The European Commission is proud to present the fourth edition of the EU Health Prize for Journalists. It is awarded to stimulate high-quality journalism that raises awareness of issues related to healthcare and patients’ rights. The prize highlights health […]