Spanish closing conference of the European Year 2012
The Spanish closing conference of the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations 2012 is taking place on 21 November. Ana Mato Adrover, Minister of Health, Social Services and Equality; Luisa Fernanda Rudi, PM of Aragón regional government; Juan Manuel Moreno Bonilla, State Secretary of Health, Social Policies and Equality and Cesar Antón […]

Style guides to report about older people
We are involved in the European Year of Older People and Solidarity between Generations. One of the most relevant aspects is to notice how we use the language in order to depict older people -such an important collective in our society and growing by leaps and bounds-. Style guides or guidelines for journalists (even for […]

‘Seniorforce Day’ in Spain celebrates the contribution of older people to volunteering
Spaniards celebrated on October 16 the ‘Seniorforce Day’ with an event aiming that enhanced the visibility of older people and raised institutions and society awareness about their potential, highlighting in the their contributions to their communities by means of active volunteering. On the scope of European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations, UDP […]