Dubsar joins IPRA, International Public Relations Association
Dubsar PR has joined IPRA (International Public Relations Association) to increase its worldwide presence. With this annoucement, Dubsar contributes to establish a link in Spain between a local public relations agency and IPRA. This pretigious association has relied on our firm to spread IPRA’s values and knowledge in such relevant field like public relations. IPRA […]

PR and communication lessons learnt from the Olympics
It is clear that sport goes beyond frontiers. With the celebration of the XXX Olympic Games in London, we have seen the great importance that has an event of global magnitude such as the Olympics. For this reason, promoting a brand name and public relations is so important. We do not intend to talk […]

Dubsar met PR World Alliance in Stockholm
Dubsar PR was invited to Stockholm take part in the conference of the PR World Alliance members held in Stockholm. The Public Relations World Alliance is a network of independent PR firms from 13 differente countries, presented in June as the merger of ECP Global Communications and IPAN (International Public Relations Agency Network). We had the […]

Dubsar PR, in ExpoManagement 2012
One of the most important tradeshows in Spain regarding business solutions is ExpoManagement. This year, Dubsar PR was there to provide its services to one of its clients: SMART Technologies. This Canadian company is very well-known in the education -it is the leader in providing collaborative solutions indeed- and it is paving the path as regards […]