Dubsar PR News

‘Seniorforce Day’ in Spain celebrates the contribution of older people to volunteering

Spaniards celebrated on October 16 the ‘Seniorforce Day’ with an event aiming that enhanced the visibility of older people and raised institutions and society awareness about their potential, highlighting in the their contributions to their communities by means of active volunteering. On the scope of European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations, UDP […]

Communicating and travelling, two PR challenges

Jean Jacques Rousseau wrote “there is so much diference between travelling to sightseeing countries and for observing societies”. This particular view is what make possible to communicate in a different way something familiar to a lot of people like travelling.  Because we must have in mind the fact that making a trip is an issue […]

New SMART Showcase School in Cigales, Valladolid

The School Ana de Austria (Valladolid, Spain) has been designated as the forth SMART Schowcase School in Spain, recognising its leadership in the creation of digital contents for interactive whiteboards. The sign of this nomination was held last 14 September. The agreement involves both SMART Technologies, leader in providing collaborative solutions, and the Spanish school. The […]

Relaciones Públicas España - Comunicación

Dubsar joins IPRA, International Public Relations Association

Dubsar PR has joined IPRA (International Public Relations Association) to increase its worldwide presence. With this annoucement, Dubsar contributes to establish a link in Spain between a local public relations agency and IPRA. This pretigious association has relied on our firm to spread IPRA’s values and knowledge in such relevant field like public relations. IPRA […]

PR and communication lessons learnt from the Olympics

  It is clear that sport goes beyond frontiers. With the celebration of the XXX Olympic Games in London, we have seen the great importance that has an event of global magnitude such as the Olympics. For this reason, promoting a brand name and public relations is so important. We do not intend to talk […]

Journalism Awards: Reporting on Ageing and Relations between the Generations

The “Reporting on Ageing and Relations between the Generations Journalism Awards” is an initiative of the European Commission. These awards recognise journalists whose work has made a significant contribution to a better understanding of the challenges of an ageing society and how they can be ackled, thus raising the level of the public debate and […]

Improve your communication skills with Toastmasters

Toastmasters Madrid is the first Toastmasters Club in Spain, devoted to help their members improve their public speaking skills. Do you want to improve in the best environment ? Check more about them in toastmastersmadrid.com and have a look to this video to have an idea about the TM experience. Every week a group of people -no matter […]

Dubsar met PR World Alliance in Stockholm

Dubsar PR was invited to Stockholm take part in the conference of the PR World Alliance members held in Stockholm. The Public Relations World Alliance is a network of independent PR firms  from 13 differente countries, presented in June as the merger of ECP Global Communications and IPAN (International Public Relations Agency Network). We had the […]

EU Health Prize for Journalists

Are you a journalist? Are you interested in health? This is your opportunity to gain a prize. The European Commission is proud to present the fourth edition of the EU Health Prize for Journalists. It is awarded to stimulate high-quality journalism that raises awareness of issues related to healthcare and patients’ rights. The prize highlights health […]

The generations@school project attracted the attention of Spanish media

Spain is taking part in the European project generations@school with an intergenerational experience held in Coslada, which brought together senior citizens and 14 -15 year old secondary education children. During the event, senior citizens shared their experiences about what it means to grow, how to foster a better understanding between young and older people and […]