Spokesperson training

Spokesperson training

Spokesperson training is vital for the future of your company. News media interviews can intimidate even the most seasoned business executive, especially in a crisis situation where pack journalism prevails. Spokesperson and media training gives you tools to confidently and comfortably control an interview and ensure that your message gets to your audience.

Our goal, when we are talking about spokesperson training, is to firmly plant a designated message in the memory of the reporter’s audience. We promise you to strengthen natural behaviors that project confidence, enthusiasm, and professionalism.

Dubsar PR will tailor spokesperson PR training so you feel comfortable and prepared in any media situation by helping you answer the tough questions, simulating media interviews and practicing your speeches.

We provide training in media handling skills, like facing interviews, dealing with unpleasant questions, saying no to questions you want to avoid, staying on message or handling media queries in a crisis situation. We will conquer your weaknesses and bring out your best.

Spokesperson training, you represent your company

Speaking on behalf of your organisation, or preparing your client to speak, is a challenge for all consultants. Whether in public, at a press conference or on the broadcast media, such performances can make or break reputations. We prepare you to communicate effectively.

Our idea is that a spokesperson represents the image a company wants the outside world to see by customising his communication to suit the needs of the medium and the journalist. Let us train your future spokesperson.

Spokesperson training services

  • Facing interviews and handling tough questions.
  • Tackle situation of crisis with a clear message to your audience.
  • Staying on your message.
  • Control on your speech and organise your ideas.
  • Media training and simulation of real situations.

Looking for a spokesperson training in Spain?

Dubsar Public Relations Spain
  • Tel: +34 91 448 2996
  • E-mail: pr@dubsar.com
  • Addres: C/ Santísima Trinidad 30, 4º 1ª. 28010 Madrid – Spain

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